6 digital technologies trending in the 21st century


Digital technology cannot be separated from human life today, many aspects of human life involve technology, from marketplaces, social media, education, entertainment, database storage, conference calls, and much more. So, this technology aims to facilitate the activities of everyone’s daily life.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to know what are the trends around digital technology, so that we can be more and more adaptable to make our life easier through digital facilities, and even create new possibilities and innovations in this technology, so that this technology can be more useful can bring mankind.

The following is a brief overview of 6 digital technologies trending in the 21st century.

1. Artificial Intelligence

AI or artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer machine to replicate human thinking and logic. The concept of AI has been formulated by humans since the 1950s and it now encompasses every aspect of human life, from the devices we use to the automatic control systems in vehicles. In both electronic and industrial devices, AI has done a lot to simplify people’s lives, as humans no longer need to directly control the processes performed by the AI ​​system.

Currently, AI development has reached the stage where humans can design AI machines that can directly capture and understand human speech. A San Francisco research firm, Open AI, has managed to create GPT-3, an AI engine capable of storing information by reading and capable of processing, and pouring information in the form of written text, even conversations led with humans, this can simplify human life in the future where humans can use AI machines and give instructions only with words without worrying about programming AI machines.

2. Electronic Money

E-money is not a foreign concept to us, because this facility, can offer us the convenience to trade more flexibly and conveniently. According to the European Central Bank, e-money is the value of money stored in electronic form, be it hardware-based like chips, cards, etc., or software-based like other e-money applications.

This technology has become a trend in the digital age like today, as the characteristics of today’s society tend to prefer things that are practical and flexible. According to trade.gov, the characteristics of Indonesian consumers tend to adapt to digital products.

Transactions via e-money are practical because they are carried out without preparing change. After all, it is automatically updated in the system, coupled with the pandemic conditions that allow transactions with #at home and contactless payments so the e-money trend is increasing more and more.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a connection between a device or object and an Internet network, allowing the device or object to be monitored and controlled remotely over an Internet connection.

There are currently more than 7 billion devices connected to the IoT and it is estimated that the number will grow to 22 billion by 2025.

This technology is becoming a trend due to its practicality in daily applications, from simple lamps or air conditioners that can be controlled via a smartphone to future cars that will drive driverless through GPS-based automatic controls and internet networks.

4. Wireless Technology

Wireless technology is a technology that does not require a cable for data transmission. This technology brings convenience to human life, both in the field of telecommunications and and transportation.

This technology has been found for a long time, with radio and television being among the oldest wireless devices ushering in more recent wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and the Internet.

Currently, wireless technology has been developing quite rapidly, the existence of smartphones that allow mobile communication is certainly not alien to us, almost all age groups recognize smartphones as one of the main needs, and next to it is the development of WiFi with 5G networks is one of the technological advances.

5. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality (VR and AR)

Have you ever played Pokemon Go? Isn’t it great? It is one of the applications of VR and AR technology, digital technology that is trending in the 21st century.

VR and AR itself is a simulations with a computer program, so users can feel the sensation directly while interacting with the environment in the program, in addition to realizing the true sensation now visual, auditory, touchable and even smelling developed in the VR & AR program, it becomes really difficult indeed.

In 2018, the VR and AR market was able to sell its products to reach 8.9 million users and it is estimated that it will grow to 65.9 million users by the end of 2022.

The trends in VR and AR will continue to increase, especially in the entertainment world such as video games and virtual tours, in the field of science and technology itself, it will also be used for data visualization (molecular, architectural, weather modeling simulations), training (driving a car, flying), Education. , martial arts training, sports, psychological therapy, and much more.

These are the 6 digital technology trends of the 21st century. Of all the above, which do you think are the coolest and the best prospects for the future?

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