Technological developments in agriculture in the world


The development of technology in agriculture is as rapid as the goal of increasing the quantity and quality of production. Advances in science and technology are beneficial in meeting basic human needs, including food and necessities.

The use of technology during pre- or post-harvest is one of the determining factors that ensure the adequacy of the harvest in terms of quantity and quality of production. Technology also increases the efficiency and productivity of agricultural food products for various developed and developing countries, in this case, the whole world.

Apart from that, there are many concrete efforts, such as different agricultural programs worldwide. Agriculture is part of the archipelago’s history, intending to ensure that people do not face food availability problems. Hence, community groups are formed to take advantage of the growth of science and technology in agriculture.

As for technology, namely human work, the aim is to facilitate adaptation to the environment more easily. The existence of natural and physical science makes it easier for people to create technology. At the same time, agricultural engineering continues the mathematical-scientific principles for natural resources and agriculture for the common good.


Overview of technological developments in agriculture in the world

Technological developments in agriculture in the world

Technological developments in agriculture on the archipelago are still developing, although the conditions could be better and more modern. There are still many farmers who use the manual method.

The world has an agricultural system that is still ineffective because it has been assumed that there is a farming country. For this reason, agriculture should play an essential role in an improved economy. Every year the world is still mired in agricultural problems that make life difficult for farmers.

One example is the still inconsistent agricultural technology. Although this agricultural technology has an excellent function in improving the quality of farm products, it makes it easier for agriculture to achieve optimal work results.

So far, the problem for farmers has been uneven agricultural technology. It is because there are many factors to consider, such as B. natural conditions and experts in handling agricultural equipment. Technology is critical to increasing agricultural productivity.


Technological development efforts in the world for the agricultural sector

Technological developments in agriculture in the world

The world has experts trying to use technology in the agricultural sector. An example is the use of drone sensors to collect all data on the growth of horticultural crops on a large scale.

In addition, this technology plays a vital role in enabling farmers to use chemicals and pesticides more efficiently while reducing the environmental impact of using these chemicals. The next attempt is to use automation technology, which is still simple.

This automation system is more complicated and was even later developed by the Netherlands. Eldert Van Henten uses technology to recognize automatic fruit harvesting tools so they can automatically harvest ripe fruit by providing sensors for chlorophyll and anthocyanin pigment levels.

The global deployment of technology, particularly for farming in rural areas, must be connected to advising on the uptake of technology and innovation among farmers. So not only to provide the latest information on the use of technology but also to increase the capacity of farmers to run their businesses independently.

The reasons why the development of technology in agriculture has not yet been maximized to this day are as follows:

  1. Technology cannot solve problems that are useful for farmers
  2. Technology is complex for farmers to implement and no better than local Technological developments in agriculture
  3. Technological innovation can create new problems, making farmers feel that the results are inconsistent with economic, social, and cultural norms, habits, and social institutions.
  4. High cost, so it doesn’t match farmers’ crops.
  5. Systems and strategies in counseling activities still need to be stronger, so they cannot convey messages accurately, are not informative, and the language is not easy to understand.
  6. Farmers are not interested in new technology offerings because they need experience and are satisfied with current results.


It is complete information describing agricultural technological development for farmers worldwide. With this information, in the future, you can be part of a society that can solve problems and challenges by using technology in the agricultural sector.


Five examples from agricultural technology

Technological developments in agriculture in the world


Transplanter farming technology is recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture for Research and Development (Research and Development) to ensure proper spacing between planted rice. The concept of this agricultural technology adheres to the Jajar-Legowo system of East Java in rice cultivation. The transplanter is believed to be able to increase rice production by up to 30%. Proper spacing between paddy fields makes it easier for farmers to take care of them. The price of one unit of this transplanter is around IDR 75 million. However, you don’t have to worry as the government provides this machine support to the farmers. When cultivating rice, this machine does not sink into the mud of the fields because it is equipped with a floating device. Despite this, the planter is designed to be as light as possible so as not to make things difficult for the farmers.


Indo combine harvester

Adopting Indo-combine farming technology makes it easier for farmers to harvest rice, from cutting, transporting, threshing, cleaning, and sorting to bagging. With the info combine harvester, you don’t need many people to harvest rice because one machine only needs three people, with a work output of four to six hours per hectare.

Technological developments in agriculture will work better when used in the wetland. The Indo combine has a compressive force on the soil surface of 0.13 kg/cm2, which makes the machine less likely to sink into the soil. In addition, this agricultural technology can produce grain with a purity level of 99.5%.


Superior seed sorting machine

Superior seeds will also produce good-quality plants. If earlier farmers could not determine from which sources the best crops would grow, now, with agricultural technology, You can know this. The use of superior seed grading machines is every day among seed suppliers.

For example, I am selecting hybrid corn seeds. These corn seeds are of the best quality, and the plants that are produced will have cobs of the highest quality and more and more kernels of corn. Of course, with a superior seed grading machine, you, as a farmer, no longer have to worry about sowing poor-quality seed.


soybean dryer

This agricultural technology helps you to prevent soybean quality deterioration caused by the late drying process. With this dryer, the soybean drying process, which usually takes eight days, can be reduced to just one day. In addition, this machine increases the growth power of soybean seeds by up to 90.3%.


waste processing plant

Livestock waste is often not adequately managed by farmers. You can use animal waste for better things. Instead of polluting the environment, this waste is better used for organic fertilizer. If you have little time to process your trash into fertilizer, there is a waste treatment plant. Using a waste recycling plant, you can initially convert unusable substances into organic fertilizer and biogas.

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